Nuffield Health
Tunbridge Wells Hospital
The Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital has built a strong reputation for providing the highest standards of clinical excellence, based on professionalism and expertise in delivering health services, resulting in outstanding patient satisfaction results. Newly refurbished, it offers 40 new en-suite bedrooms, a brand new theatre complex, diagnostic scanning (MRI, CT and X-ray), on site physiotherapy, pathology and radiology services and a brand new day case suite.
The Knee Clinic has its offices within the hospital which enables The Knee Clinic staff to work closely with the staff of the Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital to ensure that your experience goes smoothly.
Mr Gibb holds clinics at The Knee Clinic on several days each week, and during your inpatient stay you will be seen by him on a daily basis. At the Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital you will also have access to Consultants of other medical or surgical specialities if and when required.
Most surgical procedures are performed at the Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells Hospital, but when necessary or when requested, your surgery may also be performed via the Wells Suite in the new Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury.